Now, I surprised myself and I actually didn't go CRAZY with shopping while I was over there. I mean, don't get me wrong, I could have dropped Euros like they were on fire but I paced myself, looked around, and only chose a few items out that I thought I would really love and wear often! In Bilbao, the first of my destinations, I picked up two amazing blouses and a pair of pants. It was wear I did the bulk of my clothing shopping (surprisingly!) The first blouse was from a small boutique store in San Sebastian, the other two pieces were from Zara; which, might I add, treated me very well. Most of my items came from Zara. Everything in there was mind-blowing!
The next is my second favourite purchase. The only sad part is, here in Canada it is too stinking hot to wear it. Yet.
But wait, this is the best part:
The studs!! I loved the floral on this to begin with but when I saw the studs I flipped out. Then finally, a pair of floral pants! Ever since the pattern mixing post, I have been searching high and low...finally, I can say I have a pair!
The last item I wanted to show you guys was my 'splurge' item, but at 60 euro it really wasn't AWFUL. I could've done a lot worse, let's put it that way. This I bought in Paris on the Champs-Élysées at (you guessed it) Zara! Now let me explain something...I don't have a leather jacket, or even faux leather jacket, and those are pretty great to have in a wardrobe. But the other thing you should know about me is I am a gold person; meaning in a battle of gold and silver, I will support gold and battle to the death for it (me and my army of 70+ grandmothers). I know we're a generation of silver or platinum, but I love gooooooooold! So when I saw this I needed it.
Again, the only negative to this beauty is it will have to stay in my closet until Canada decides that 30+ temperatures are severely uncool (ha-ha).
So in the posts to come, expect to see these pieces featured from time to time. It's very rare for me to say but buying some of these makes me wish summer was almost over. And then I remember all the other wonderful stuff that comes with summer, put on my patience sun-hat and move on with my day!
- Rebekah Eden.
The Velvet Team